American Bicycle Racing


American Bicycle Racing
ABR Classifieds
Anything related to Bicycling

New Products:

ABR classifieds and gear swap on Facebook go HERE

Prairie Path Cycles and ABD Cycling Center sponsoring the ABD Racing Team, Athletes by Design Cycle Club, around the neighborhood, through the woods, to top line racing bicycles and equipment, plus the ABD Boot Camp bringing you to the next level of fitness. Located in Winfield IL 630-690-9749 and Batavia IL 630-406-9749 visit their website:

Village Cycle Sport and Performance Center sponsoring the Village/Verdigris Cycling Team for many years, Kids to full blown racing Bicycles, Tandems, Folding Bikes, clothes and a Indoor Training Center to get you FIT. Located in Elk Grove Village IL (847) 398-1650, Arlington Heights IL (847) 439-3340 and Barrington IL (847)-383-9200 visit their website:

Edgebrook Cycle & Sport, Bianchi, Raleigh, Diamondback, GT Dyno Bicycles, repairs, parts, 6450 N. Central, Chicago, IL, 773-792-1669

Yojimbo’s Garage, Quality Racing Bicycles & repairs, 1310 N. Clybourn, Chicago, IL 312-587-0878. Track Racing information.

New and Used For Sale:

Classifieds Pricing: ABR Members may place a FREE, 30 word or less, Classified advertisement. Advertisements will also run in three issues of the ABR Flyers publication. Non members may place a 30 word or less Classified advertisement of anything related to bicycling in the next issue of ABR Flyers and one month on the ABR website for $10.00.

Please send your advertisement to:
email address: Or mail with check to: ABR, PO Box 487, Tinley Park, IL 60477 ABR reserves the right to refuse and edit copy. ABR makes no guarantee of condition, usability, service or value of items

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website maintained by "The Balkan"