& Fun Rides
Annual Mt Hamilton Challenge and Ascent Bicycle Tours, 70 mile loop with 5,000 feet of climbing or ride the 125 mile loop with 8,000 feet of climbing routes, Pedalera Bicycle Club, Santa Clara, CA https://www.hillsidegraphics.com/hamilton-challenge/
Annual Easter Ride, Folks on Spokes, 17 to 70 miles, Park Forest, IL, https://www.folksonspokes.com/
Bike The Drive, Active Transportation Alliance, Chicago, IL, https://www.bikethedrive.org/
Udder Century, McHenry County BC, Crystal Lake, IL, 31 to 100 miles, https://www.mchenrybicycleclub.org/
BCLC Annual Ramble, 30 to 124 miles, Bicycle Club of Lake County, Camp Sol R. Crown (one mile from the Kenosha County Fairgrounds), Trevor, WI, https://bikebclc.com/ramble-ride/
Peninsula Century, 25 to 100 miles, Baileys Harbor, WI, https://peninsulacenturyspringclassic.com/
Horrible Hilly Hundreds, 100 to 200 Km, 5700 to 10,700 elevation gain,Blue Mounds, WI, https://www.horriblyhilly.com/
Annual Swedish Days Ride, 27 to 124 miles, Burlington, IL, www.fvbsc.org
Kenosha Racine Bike Club Annual 2 Wheels for 2 Counties Charity Ride. Proceeds from this ride will be donated to bicycling organizations in Racine and Kenosha Counties. Eagle Lake County Park, Kansasville, WI www.krbikeclub.com
Metric Century, 32 to 68 miles Plainfield, IL www.jolietbicycleclub.com
Annual Z TOUR, Benefit ride for Zearing Child Enrichment Center, Inc Princeton, IL https://www.z-tour.org/
rideATAXIA Channahon Central Park, Channahon, IL https://fara.convio.net For: Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA). A non-profit organization dedicated to funding research to cure Friedreich’s Ataxia, a debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuromuscular disorder with no treatment or cure.
Two Rivers Century, Ice Valley Centre Ice Arena, Kankakee, IL, 22 to 128 miles, utilizing the "Loop System" of routing. Kankakee River Bike Club, www.TwoRiversCentury.com
Dairyland Dare, 50 to 300 Km, Dodgeville, WI, https://www.dairylanddare.com/
Bike Psychos Century, 30 to 124 miles, Coal City, IL, https://www.bikepsychos.net/century/index.php
Prairie Cycle Club Tour & Gran Fondo, Urbana, IL, Prairie Cycle Club, https://www.prairiecycleclub.org/c-u-across-the-prairie/
Ride like an Egyptian, 25 to 100 miles, Dekalb, IL https://egyptiantheatre.org/ride-like-an-egyptian/
Tour De Donut, distance 2 blocks for kids, 15, 32 & 64 mile routes, All the Donuts you can eat, Troy, OH, https://thetourdedonut.com/
Annual Cream City Century, 32 to 100 miles, Waterford, WI, https://creamcitycycleclub.com/
White Mountain Double Century, Bishop, CA www.NdZone.com
Door County Century, Door County Fairgrounds, Sturgeon Bay, WI, Routes of 28 miles, 50 miles, 70 miles and 100 miles. https://www.doorcountycentury.com/
Heartland Century, Quad Cities Bicycle Club, www.qcbc.org
Harmond Hundred, Wheeling Wheelmen, Wilmot High School, Wilmot, WI, www.wheelmen.com
Capitol City Century, 10 to 125 miles, Springfield Bicycle Club, Springfield, IL https://spfldcycling.org/
Northshore Century, Evanston Bicycle Club, Evanston, IL, www.evanstonbikeclub.org
Beach City Double / Century / Half Century, Irvine, CA www.NdZone.com
Annual Hilly Hundred, 50 miles each day, Ellettsville, Indiana, https://www.hillyhundred.org/
Annual Pumpkin Ride, 25 to 100 miles, Ottawa YMCA, 201 E. Jackson St in Ottawa, IL held by Starved Rock Cycling Association, https://www.starvedrockcycling.com/
Ohana Ride Ride for Breast Cancer, 25, 45, and 65 Mile, Benefits U'Lani Fund for individuals with breast cancer to use for complimentary care to improve quality of life. Santa Cruz, CA, https://www.theuilanifund.org/ohana-ride.html