Project 5 Racing presents:
"Tour De Villas"
3rd ANNUAL race through "De Villas" an old community in Des Plaines, IL.
Just North of Algonquin Rd and East of Wolf Rd. Racing on the streets East and West Grant. Blacktop road surface that that improves with each passing year. Start - Finish at Hoffmann Parkway and East Grant Rd, Des Plaines, IL
Tour of Illinois/Wisconsin Holiday
Weekend Summer Slam-
Day One 6/30 Tour De Villas Criterium, Des Plaines, IL
Day Two 7/01 The Wood Dale Criterium, ABR Illinois Criterium Championship, Wood Dale, IL

Returning with the very popular Neighborhood kids races.
New-Longer 50 min combined Cat 1,2,3 race
Lots of Race Categories and Age Groups
New-Longer Neighborhood Kids races - NO "real" racing bikes, No Clipless pedals, age 2 on up, last two years kids had separate race for each age or combination of two or three ages.
New- Des Plaines Mayor's Time Trial Challenge, where Mayor Marty Moylan will challenge residents, racers and local celebrities to beat his time racing one lap(one mile) around the Tour de Villas course!
A prize of $100 will be given to the person with the fastest time around the course.
The entry fee for this fun event is $50 and all proceeds will be donated to the Salvation Army.
Registration for this event is only on the day of the race and is limited to a maximum of 30 participants
Start/Finish on West side at Hoffman Parkway and West Grant, racing counter-clockwise. That's right, reverse direction from last year. Why Not, we don't want to bore you, some are great riding lefty - some are great riding righty!!!
Registration at Hoffman Park, the de facto Central Staging area.
Super Group of Sponsors for 2012:
Advanced Occupational Medical Specialists - medical care for the athlete
American Bicycle Racing Masters Grant Program
American Water - Illinois - cool clean sparkling to the racers, volunteers, officials, and neighbors.
ARC Disposal and Recycling, a Republic Services Co. - keeping the City clean
Advanced Occupational Medicine Specialists - serving the needs of the community.
BK - a super Chef focusing on the AthleteChicago Bandits - Pro Women fast pitch softball at their stadium in Rosemont, ILChicago Winter Bike Swap - at Harper College - lots a great stuff for cycling, great stuff cheap.
Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce & Industry - providing products and employment in Des Plaines.
Des Plaines Park District - Hoffman Park just one of the many beautiful Parks in Des Plaines.
Flex Power - exactly what the name states.
General Mills - supplying quality food to the World.
Huppo - for men
Illinois Bone and Joint - have an issue, let us help you get back pedaling.
Joe Caputo & Sons Fruit Market - Fruit to keep us riding fast and recovering
Journal & Topics Newspapers - the latest news
Mobile Zoom - Mocial marketing for business
Myloplex - supplements that work.
Olsen Inc - transportation.
Park Tools - wheel pit
Prospect Bikes & Trains - wheel pit - quality bikes and super locomotives.
Special Thank you to:
City of Des Plaines - everyone, thanks for a Super 4th of July Weekend Celebration.
First Congregation Des Plaines - shade, seats, sound, & help! Connecting People
Residents of "De Villas" - to each of you THANKS.
Des Plaines Police Department - keeping us safe
Of course:
$2.50 of each entry fee to Benefiting the Self help Closet & Food Pantry of Des Plaines
You say you need a Dog?
Stop by, take a gander, you may be surprised, a dog with a ready smile, waggin tail...waiting just for you!
(thanks a-rab & gypsy)
Race Flyer